2011年5月19日 星期四


I finished the book Macbeth these days, it was written by Sakespear. A story about a brave soider getting evil and selfish. He killed the king and friend to stay in power. His wife was also evil different from other women in the play, she has a strong personality. The book was intersting because it was the first book that I read was a script.

My Favorit Author

My favorite author was Jodi Picoult. She wrote books about families and relationships. I read one of her book that is intresting named "My sister's keeper". It was a warm but sad story. Jodi Picoult wrote very well that made us feel what the character feels in the story. Her novels make me think much and how much thankful that I should be to those people around me.

My Bycicle Trip Around Taiwan

In the middle of April, I went on a bycicle trip going around Taiwan. It was with a total distance about 960km and for 12 days. We start form our school. The trip waas tiring, every day we get less hours to sleep and an average of 70~80km to ride.  We also stopped at famous places in Taiwan. The trip was really intresting and meaningful. I was glad that I didn't give up and had lots of fun with my friends.

My Favorite Book

My favorite book was "The Hunguer Games", written by Suzanne Collins. It's about a girl named Katniss Everdin, she and her family lived under control of a dictator ship government, the capitol. She then lead a rebell against the government and succedded. It was intresting about how she did it and the process. The book was a great seller and was now being to be film as a movie.

2011年3月31日 星期四

welcome post !!

Hi,welcome to my blog =)
I'm Jasmine.I am 15 years old , living in Taiwan.
I like making friend with others^^ It will be nice to leave some suggestions after visiting<3
I like to read novels like The Hunger Games, you can leave your commen if you like it too~
This is a platform made for our English literture class .Hope you'll like it >0<